Private Type GameJsonData id As String minecraftArguments As String assets As String mainClass As String inheritsFrom As String minimumLauncherVersion As String End Type Private Type GameSetting sbdata As String sfdata As String sGamew As String sGameh As String sServerhost As String sServerport As String LauncherVer As String FullScreenLc As String End Type Public UUID As String Public GameName As String Public accessToken As String Public clientToken As String Dim LT As New LauncherTools Dim Initi As New Initi Public DebugText As String Public DebugInfo As String Public LibString As String Public LostLib As String Public Function launcher(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Memory As String, _ ByVal JavaPath As String, ByVal Vername As String, _ Optional fData As String, Optional bData As String, _ Optional Gamew As String, Optional Gameh As String, _ Optional ServerHost As String, Optional ServerPort As String, _ Optional MojangLoginS As Boolean, Optional AloneVer As Boolean, _ Optional FullScreen As Boolean) As Long 'On Error GoTo shut Dim cfg As Object Dim cfgFile As String Dim GJD As GameJsonData Dim GS As GameSetting cfgFile = LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\versions\" & Vername & "\" & Vername & ".json" Set cfg = JSON.parse(ReadTextFile(cfgFile)) With GJD .id = cfg.Item("id") .minecraftArguments = cfg.Item("minecraftArguments") .assets = cfg.Item("assets") .mainClass = cfg.Item("mainClass") .inheritsFrom = cfg.Item("inheritsFrom") .minimumLauncherVersion = cfg.Item("minimumLauncherVersion") End With Dim IsForge As Boolean Dim multiint As Integer Dim multiinti As Integer Dim multidata As String IsForge = False Dim leftstr, rightstr, outstr As String Dim strc As Integer Dim Exc() As String Dim Exci As Integer l: multiint = 1 multiinti = cfg.Item("libraries").Count + 1 Do While (multiinti <> multiint) multidata = cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint)("name") strc = InStr(1, multidata, ":") leftstr = Left(multidata, strc - 1) rightstr = Mid(multidata, strc + 1) leftstr = Replace(leftstr, ".", "\") rightstr = Replace(rightstr, ":", "\") outstr = Replace(rightstr, "\", "-") multidata = LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\libraries\" & leftstr & "\" & rightstr & "\" & outstr & ".jar;" '''''ʵÑéÐÔ¹¦ÄÜ ×Ô¶¯²¹¿â''''' ' If Dir(multidata) = "" Then ' Shell "cmd /c md " & LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\libraries\" & leftstr & "\" & rightstr, vbHide ' If Val(GJD.minimumLauncherVersion) > 13 Then ' Else ' End If 'End If ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' LibString = LibString & multidata 'If cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Count >= 3 Then 'MsgBox JSON.toString(cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint)) 'MsgBox InStr(1, JSON.toString(cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint)), "extract") If InStr(1, JSON.toString(cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint)), "extract") <> 0 Then ReDim Preserve Exc(0 To Exci) 'Exc(Exci) = Left(multidata, Len(multidata) - 5) & "-" & cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Item("natives").Item("windows") & ".jar" Exc(Exci) = Replace(Left(multidata, Len(multidata) - 5) & "-" & cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Item("natives").Item("windows") & ".jar", "-${arch}", "") 'ExNat Replace(Left(multidata, Len(multidata) - 5) & "-" & cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Item("natives").Item("windows") & ".jar", "-${arch}", ""), LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\natives\" 'MsgBox Left(multidata, Len(multidata) - 5) & "-" & cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Item("natives").Item("windows") & ".jar" 'Debug.Print "ExtractFile:" & Replace(Left(multidata, Len(multidata) - 5) & "-" & cfg.Item("libraries").Item(multiint).Item("natives").Item("windows") & ".jar", "-${arch}", "") End If Exci = Exci + 1 multiint = multiint + 1 Loop If GJD.inheritsFrom <> "" And IsForge = False Then cfgFile = LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\versions\" & GJD.inheritsFrom & "\" & GJD.inheritsFrom & ".json" Set cfg = JSON.parse(ReadTextFile(cfgFile)) GS.LauncherVer = GJD.inheritsFrom GJD.assets = cfg.Item("assets") IsForge = True GoTo l Else If IsForge = False Then GS.LauncherVer = Vername Else GS.LauncherVer = GJD.inheritsFrom End If End If For Exci = 0 To UBound(Exc) If Exc(Exci) <> "" Then ExNat Exc(Exci), LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\natives\" Debug.Print "ExtractFile:" & Exc(Exci) End If Next Exci GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${auth_player_name}", Username) GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${version_name}", GJD.id) GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${assets_root}", ".minecraft\assets") GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${assets_index_name}", GJD.assets) GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${game_assets}", ".minecraft\assets") GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${user_properties}", "{}") GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${user_type}", "legacy") GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${version_type}", "ColorLauncher") If AloneVer Then GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${game_directory}", ".minecraft\versions\" & GS.LauncherVer) Else GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${game_directory}", ".minecraft") End If If MojangLoginS Then GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${auth_uuid}", UUID) GJD.minecraftArguments = Replace(GJD.minecraftArguments, "${auth_access_token}", accessToken) End If With GS If fData <> "" Then .sfdata = " " & fData If bData <> "" Then .sbdata = " " & bData If Gamew <> "" Then .sGamew = " --width " & Gamew If Gameh <> "" Then .sGameh = " --height " & Gameh If ServerHost <> "" Then .sServerhost = " --server " & ServerHost If ServerPort <> "" Then .sServerport = " --port " & ServerPort End With If FullScreen Then GS.FullScreenLc = " --fullscreen" Dim LauncherString As String LauncherString = Chr(34) & JavaPath & Chr(34) & " -Xmx" & Memory & "m" & GS.sfdata _ & " -Djava.library.path=" & Chr(34) & ".minecraft\natives" & Chr(34) & " -cp " _ & Chr(34) & LibString & (LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\versions\" & GS.LauncherVer & "\" & GS.LauncherVer & ".jar") _ & Chr(34) & " " & GJD.mainClass & " " & GJD.minecraftArguments & GS.sGamew & GS.sGameh _ & GS.sServerhost & GS.sServerport & GS.sbdata & GS.FullScreenLc launcher = Shell(LauncherString, 1) DebugText = LauncherString DebugInfo = "ÓÎÏ·°æ±¾:" & GJD.id & vbCrLf & "Æô¶¯°æ±¾:" & GS.LauncherVer & vbCrLf & "Ö÷Àà:" & GJD.mainClass _ & vbCrLf & "Ç°²ÎÊý:" & GJD.minecraftArguments & vbCrLf Debug.Print DebugInfo Open LaunchPath & ("\ColorLauncher\Logs\" & Replace(Date, "/", "-") & "-" & Replace(Time, ":", ".") & ".log") For Output As #9 Print #9, DebugInfo Print #9, "" Print #9, "LaunchDebug=" & DebugText Close #9 Exit Function shut: 'launcher = 0 End Function Private Function ReadTextFile(sFilePath As String) As String On Error Resume Next Dim handle& If LenB(Dir$(sFilePath)) > 0 Then handle = FreeFile Open sFilePath For Binary As #handle ReadTextFile = Space$(LOF(handle)) Get #handle, , ReadTextFile Close #handle End If End Function Private Function WriteTextFile(sFilePath As String, s$) As Long Open sFilePath For Binary As #1 Put #1, , s Close #1 End Function Private Sub ExNat(Exfile As String, ExPath As String) Call Shell(LaunchPath & "\ColorLauncher\7z.exe e " & Chr(34) & Exfile & Chr(34) & " " & "-o" & Chr(34) & ExPath & Chr(34) & " -y", vbHide) End Sub Private Sub Class_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Debug.Print "------------Loading ColorLauncherV.ColorLauncherC Class------------" 'If LaunchPath = "" Then MsgBox "δÉèÖÃInitiÖеÄSetLaunchPathÎÞ·¨¼ÓÔØÀà", vbInformation, "Error" Initi.CLCFirstRunSub 'Dim Exdata() As Byte 'Exdata = LoadResData("7Z", "CUSTOM") 'If Dir(LaunchPath & "\ColorLauncher\7z.exe") = "" Then 'Open LaunchPath & "\ColorLauncher\7z.exe" For Binary As #1 'Put #1, , Exdata 'Close #1 'Debug.Print "Create7z:" & LaunchPath & "\ColorLauncher\7z.exe" 'End If If Dir(LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\natives", vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\natives" Debug.Print "CreateDir:" & LaunchPath & "\.minecraft\natives" End If Debug.Print "---Load Complete!---" End Sub Public Function MojangLogin(Luser As String, Lpass As String) As Integer 'Dim SX As New serverXMLHTTP_Class Dim poststring As String Dim cc As String On Error GoTo err poststring = "{" & Chr(34) & "agent" & Chr(34) & ":{" & Chr(34) & "name" & Chr(34) _ & ":" & Chr(34) & "Minecraft" & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "version" & Chr(34) & ":" _ & Chr(34) & "1" & Chr(34) & "}," & Chr(34) & "username" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & Trim(Luser) _ & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "password" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & Trim(Lpass) & Chr(34) _ & "," & Chr(34) & "requestUser" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & "true" & Chr(34) & "}" 'MojangLogin = poststring 'poststring = SX.EncodeToBytes(poststring) 'cc = SX.GetCode("https://authserver.mojang.com/authenticate","") DoEvents 'cc = SX.XMLHttpPOST("https://authserver.mojang.com/authenticate", poststring) DoEvents Debug.Print poststring Debug.Print cc '½âÎö·µ»Ø Dim MLJ As Object Set MLJ = JSON.parse(cc) GameName = MLJ.Item("selectedProfile").Item("name") UUID = MLJ.Item("selectedProfile").Item("id") 'UUID = MLJ.Item("availableProfiles").Item(1)("id") accessToken = MLJ.Item("accessToken") clientToken = MLJ.Item("clientToken") MojangLogin = 1 Set MLJ = Nothing Set SX = Nothing Debug.Print "----------Connect:authserver.mojang----------" Debug.Print "Gamename:" & GameName Debug.Print "UUID:" & UUID Debug.Print "accessToken:" & accessToken Debug.Print "---------------------------------------------" Exit Function err: Set MLJ = Nothing Set SX = Nothing MojangLogin = 0 Debug.Print "Connect:authserver.mojang-Error" End Function Private Sub Class_Terminate() On Error Resume Next If LT.CheckExeIsRun("7z.exe") Then 'Call Shell("cmd /c ntsd -c q -pn 7z.exe", vbHide) Call Shell("cmd /c taskkill /f /im 7z.exe", vbHide) End If Set LT = Nothing End Sub